Rainfeeder's Blog

September 8, 2012

Began in a Dream

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: , , — rainfeeder @ 7:52 pm

“I was three years old.  It was summer.  I was in a plane with my father and sister beside me.  That was my first memory of this lifetime.  Before that there were just dreams.  I guess you could say that’s how my life began here.  It’s questioned why is it people don’t remember anything of the first few years.  This may sound a little crazy, because I don’t see it anywhere, but I think the simple answer may be because those years as a baby, before I was three, before I was in that plane, they just didn’t happen!  I wasn’t really born when it says on my passport, that actually my true birth here on Earth was in that plane!”

“Well, maybe, but that’s a little… what’s the word, unconventional, unorthodox opinion?”


“Did you wake up in the plane?”

“Not exactly wake up as you usually do.  I think the dream before just became more and more vivid.  I woke up in the dream.”

“But what does that mean?  All those soulless babies being born!”

“Yeah.  I mean, nobody’s that helpless or unable to talk right?”

“Are we actually living in the dream world, all the time?  A more awake version?”

“I don’t know.  I can only guess that is how it will probably end though, in another dream.  Dreams are the paths to other worlds.”


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