Rainfeeder's Blog

February 10, 2011

Globalization and Specialization

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: , — rainfeeder @ 8:15 am

Coming from the moneyed world he was in, well travelled and always concerned with the local scene, he realized later to establish himself as a man of value, specialization of knowledge and skills was a economic requirement, if not a social one.  Only travel could have made him understand this, rapid globalization and a growing web of connections meant that, to avoid the competitive nature of business, he needed something of trade value in himself and his line of business.

He had been to many commercial cities of the world and noticed, both in others and himself, the growing haze of globalization and standardization in culture and values.  Salesmen, hustlers, associates in the professions and retail, all obsessed with merchandise of true value and making business connections with those they regarded.

There were in those years, many incidents, modern events or even social progress, curiosity met with shock.


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